Backyard, Part 2

With my usual timeliness, this post is about things that happened a month ago.  Specifically, the quite heavy rain we got about a week after my February post complaining about the deer eating my heucheras.  The deer had nothing on the rain in terms of damage to our five-month-old landscaping.

Being on the lower part of a hillside, there was quite a lot of water running toward our house.  The house itself was fine, since it’s largely built over empty space. But the drainage system, which was installed after the ’97-98 El Nino, was not quite able to cope with the mud and debris that washed down along with the water, so the water had to find alternate routes.  This was taken the day after the heaviest rain.

Not much compared to actual flooding, I realize, but still distressing when I saw bare mud and water where my heucheras used to be.

I especially liked how my green spice heuchera had turned into a defunct tennis ball.  (That one and the other upper picture were taken about a week and a half later, after the water had drained a bit.)

About two weeks after the video was taken (during which it had continued to rain, though not as hard), spouse and I went out and tried to relocate some of the dirt and mud and unearth our stepping stones.  And I realized that my plants were just buried, not washed away!

That last one could’ve been a Find the Plant.  It was difficult.  I found the upper left one, then spouse unearthed the lower one (the chocolate heuchera, seen in the first pic in the above-linked post), and we both worked at the upper right one.  Each plant has its own drip irrigation, so we dug for the tube and then followed it to the drip spout.

Also, I should mention that we had help. Sort of.

muddy footprints 2017-03-05 17.20.53

The exhumed heucheras are doing well and I’ll put pictures of them and other plants in another post.  But in order to have an actual animal photo in this post, I’ll add the deer that we saw a few days later.

deer through upstairs window 2017-03-08 12.02.53

Return of the Catio

It’s a really beautiful day today, and spouse pried open the human-sized door to the catio. (It’s been sticking since winter.) Instant swarm of cats who had apparently never figured out the cat-sized door that’s been there since fall.

I do a few of them an injustice; Praline, Rhombus, and Quot had all gone out a few times. But they might not have realized how much the weather had changed.

Sweet Sleeping Kitties

There is no shortage of adorable naps in my house, but these three from yesterday were particularly charming to me.

Look at that cute little tooth.
A week or so ago, on the same day at separate times, spouse and I both noticed for the first time that Velcro has pinkish paw pads.  We’ve had him for nearly nine and a half years.
Perfect, classic cat.  Somehow blending in more with the green cover than she did with the furry gray one.

That last picture was cropped to stay in theme. Here’s the full picture.

“Don’t you have anything better to do?”